Friday, September 20, 2013

Would you marry the same person again?

Did you know that 55 per cent of women wouldn't marry the same man again?

This is according to a study conducted by best selling US relationship writer Susan Shapiro Barash.

WHAT?! Does anyone else find this an extremely high percentage?

I found this snippet of information while reading through the latest Good Health magazine, with Samantha Armytage on the cover. It comes from an article titled, Keep your marriage strong.

According to Barash, "we dive in, eyes wide shut."

Her latest book, The Nine Phases of Marriage: How to Make It, Break It, Keep It, apparently guides women through the stages they may experience in marriage.

The article goes on to briefly outline these nine stages that Barash has identified and how you can "fix it".

I don't know the details of Barash's study, like how many women were involved or how old they were, etc.

What I do know is that I would definitely marry the same man again. My husband is just great. He is so supportive, caring, and nurturing. He is an amazing father. He irons his own shirts, mainly because he knows I am hopeless and would probably burn them. He cooks and way better than I do. He puts up with my craziness. I just wouldn't replace him with anyone.

This article has definitely left me intrigued and I am off to conduct my own study by asking all my girlfriends if they would marry the same man again.

Would you marry the same man again?
Are you surprised by the 55 percent of women in this study who wouldn't?

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