The mind is a powerful place. Little miss and I both have anxious minds. Minds that busily catatrophise tiny things into great big scary things.
There is nothing wrong with this. Nothing at all.
We are very aware of our powerfully anxious minds and therefore take measures to ease the worry.
One of those measures is meditation. Every morning on the train I meditate for 10 minutes. Every night at bed time Little Miss meditates for varying times between 5 and 10 minutes.
We researched apps and spoke to friends and have found that the two we like the most are Smiling Mind and Headspace.
Both apps are anywhere, anytime and awesome. Little Miss and I enjoy both of them and use each on a daily basis.
Little miss loves Headspace's animatations as they take you through how the program works and what you will get out of it. Check it out at
Do you meditate?
Got any apps to recommend?
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