Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Trendy Tuesday - monochrome

Just when I thought it was safe to dip my toe in the coloured denim, bright top trend pool, it appears we are back in black and white. What? So quickly the trends change, I am out of breath trying to keep up.

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Over at Target, Gok Wan is waxing lyrical about the monochrome trend, sharing three looks with viewers. (For those as ignorant as me Gok Wan is a fashion designer from the UK.)

To check out his suggestions, pop over to Target - http://shop.target.com.au/women/gok-loves?gclid=COizsur8sLgCFYQhpQodzmcAqg

Also, Nikki from Styling You gives some pointers on how to wear black and white on her blog.

Black and white is a staple. I believe everyone, men, women, and kids would all have some black and white in their wardrobe. For me it is the go-to piece in your wardrobe. Isn't it?

As Spring approaches I was all excited about the bright colours I was seeing in the shop windows - that is the only shopping I am doing at the moment...window shopping. But alas it seems it is going to be replaced with monochrome.

What are your thoughts on black and white? Do you have black and/or white in your wardrobe? Were you excited to dip your toe in the colour pool?


  1. oh how boring, black and white again! I love black, but everyone needs a splash of colour! Josefa from #teamIBOT

  2. I have heaps of black - in fact I just about only have black - with white and a splash of colour with scarves !!!!
    I tried so hard to do coloured demins - I just couldn't :(
    Have a great day !

    1. I bought some coloured denim recently. I am loving it. I am also a big fan of scarves :)

  3. I love black and white! They are so classic. I like to add a little colour with my black and white outfits though, for example, bright red chunky beads. Don't know whether this is considered on trend by the fashion gods or not though :)

    1. I think it is a good idea to add a splash of colour with accessories. Accessories are the best!

  4. I had to ask the Target lady who GOK was - talk about overkill! I can't keep up - I'm not trendy enough! Still just sticking with my old favourites, the slimming black in shades of dark, light and moody black!!! EM x

    1. I had no idea who Gok was? I had to google him....hahaha!

  5. I need more than black and white. Black just drains the colour out of me, and although I love white, I like a pop of colour too. Long live colour I say! xx

  6. Breathing a sigh of relief that I just bought a completely black and white outfit the other day!!!
    Love colour as well though. Black and white all the time would be boring
