Whenever I go to a wedding I always reminisce about our wedding, mine and Hubby's. I think what we would do differently, what we would keep the same and what great ideas we could have picked up from the wedding we are attending.
One of the things I wouldn't change, and there are many including the groom (he is a keeper), is the song I walked down the aisle too. It was All I Ask of You from Phantom of the Opera.
Just in case you don't want to read the lyrics, you can view the movie version...
The lyrics are:
No more talk
of darkness,
Forget these
wide-eyed fears.
I'm here,
nothing can harm you -
my words will
warm and calm you.
Let me be
your freedom,
let daylight
dry -your tears.
I'm here,
with you, beside you,
to guard you
and to guide you . . .
Say you love me
waking moment,
turn my head
with talk of summertime . . .
Say you need me
with you,
now and always . . .
promise me that all
you say is true -
that's all I ask
of you . . .
Let me be
your shelter,
let me
be your light.
You're safe:
No-one will find you
your fears are
far behind you . . .
All I want
is freedom,
a world with
no more night . . .
and you
always beside me
to hold me
and to hide me . . .
Then say you'll share with
me one
love, one lifetime . . .
Iet me lead you
from your solitude . . .
Say you need me
with you
here, beside you . . .
anywhere you go,
let me go too -
that's all I ask
of you . . .
Say you'll share with
me one
love, one lifetime . . .
say the word
and I will follow you . . .
Share each day with
me, each
night, each morning . . .
Say you love me . . .
You know I do . . .
Love me -
that's all I ask
of you . . .
Anywhere you go
let me go too . . .
Love me -
that's all I ask
of you . .
While I completely love the whole song, my favourite line is - Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. To me marriage is about sharing one love, one lifetime and this is exactly what I intend to do with Hubby.
I love that whenever I hear this song it reminds me of my wonderful husband and the day we were married. It is great how music can do, it transports you to another time and place - a lot like words from books, songs, movies, quotes. They trigger memories that make us smile or laugh and sometimes perhaps cry.
And now that I have been totally reminiscing, these are our other wedding songs (that I also still totally love, in fact Cover You in Kisses is my ring tone).
The song we danced to at our wedding was Cover You in Kisses by Vassy K.
The song we left the wedding to was Time to Say Goodbye by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman.
What were your wedding songs?