Sunday, January 1, 2017

{Life} Ten things to tick off my list in 2017

  1. Move EVERY day
    Gotta hit those 10,000 steps per day! and become a fit, healthy version of me!

  2. Meditate regularly
    I love to meditate, it really improves my mental well being. 

  3. Be Kinder - to myself
    I really need to learn to be kinder to myself. Kindness is such a wonderful trait. I love to show kindness to people - not so good at showing it to myself.
  4. Eat more wholesome foods
    As part of getting back on track with healthy and fit Sam 2017, the family and I are going to be eating a lot less from packets and a lot more from the garden.

  5. Go with the flow
    Chill out as much as I can and just go with the flow. My stress levels at the end of 2016 were way too high - change must happen. 

  6. Blog every week
    I love to blog and didn't do enough of it last year - again, change must happen.

  7. Connect with friends and families
    Pick up the phone more often to talk to friends and family. Make an effort to have a lunch a month with a friend.
  8. Stick to the budget
    Now the renovation dust has settled - it is time to get serious about sticking to our budget.
  9. Have more fun
    Organise outings with the kids, Hubby, family and friends, even just picnics in the park or bike rides. Go to the beach more - I love the beach.

  10. Get my PMI-ACP certification
    In the work side of my life I am a project manager and am setting the goal this year to get my Agile certification.

Are you ticking anything off the list this year?

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