Friday, June 14, 2013

Where's your head at?

You must sing Where's your head out by Basement Jaxx while reading this post, or simply watch it below.

I have been singing this all week in an attempt to figure out where my head is at?

I am still clueless.

My head is extremely heavy and foggy this week. I have had shocking headache after shocking headache. Therefore, have taken too many pain killers - probably causing that foggy, spaced out feeling.

I have been susceptible to migraines since my late teens. After numerous tests, scans etc the diagnosis was simply hormonal. Really? I must be extremely hormonal.

In my expert opinion, I think it is a combination of my dodgy back and hormones. I have seen an osteopath for about 15 years and it has helped a little. Since having kids, especially my second one, my back has become dodgier and therefore the headaches more frequent.

They exhaust and depress me and I just want to curl into a ball and ignore the world, alighting at the other end headache free. Thank you very much.

In my hazy head fog I have missed blogging this week. My two favourite blog days too, Trendy Tuesday and Wordless Wednesday. Damn headaches.

Hopefully soon I will figure out where my head is at!

Where is your head at this week?


  1. I've had a crazy week and really just want some peace time, but life just keeps moving forward. If only there was a pause button!
    That's awful about the headaches Sam. I've found over the past year I get a headache at 'that time of the month', and it's a shocker. Take care x

    1. I hope you get some peace time this weekend Jodi :) xo

  2. Oh that is no good at all. Have you tried pursuing the cause through some more specialists? Knowledge about these things has probably increased since you were in your teens.

    1. That isn't a bad idea actually. I am due a GP checkup, I think I will mention it to her. Thanks.

  3. Sam, you did well just to get this out. I hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. THanks :) and now I really can't get the song out of my head. hahaha

  4. You poor thing. Not feeling well can make you depressed which makes you feel even more unwell. I hope you can get the rest you need.

  5. OMG - this is one of my TOP 10 favourite songs/movie clips EVER! Thanks for handing it to me on a platter. Sorry it reflects your mood right now (well Friday) Hope you're feeling a bit better now?! Em x

    1. It is a great song :)
      Yep I am feeling better. THanks Em.
