I have been singing this all week in an attempt to figure out where my head is at?
I am still clueless.
My head is extremely heavy and foggy this week. I have had shocking headache after shocking headache. Therefore, have taken too many pain killers - probably causing that foggy, spaced out feeling.
I have been susceptible to migraines since my late teens. After numerous tests, scans etc the diagnosis was simply hormonal. Really? I must be extremely hormonal.
In my expert opinion, I think it is a combination of my dodgy back and hormones. I have seen an osteopath for about 15 years and it has helped a little. Since having kids, especially my second one, my back has become dodgier and therefore the headaches more frequent.
They exhaust and depress me and I just want to curl into a ball and ignore the world, alighting at the other end headache free. Thank you very much.
In my hazy head fog I have missed blogging this week. My two favourite blog days too, Trendy Tuesday and Wordless Wednesday. Damn headaches.
Hopefully soon I will figure out where my head is at!