Wednesday, December 18, 2013

DIY: Preschool Christmas gifts - Reindeer Noses

As you all know it is that time of year again! Christmas! I love Christmas. 

I love to give gifts and little treasures to people. To see their faces light up. It is just wonderful.

For the first time this year, little miss and I made little gifts for her preschool class. Reindeer noses! I got the idea from Pinterest. (BTW, I love Pinterest!).

All you need is....

- Maltesers for the brown reindeer noses

- Jaffas for Rudolph's nose

- Cellophane, and scissors to cut it

- Ribbon

- Hole punch

- Labels, and a pen to write a sweet Christmas message
To put them together all you need to do is...
  1. Cut the cellophane into squares.
  2. Write a sweet Christmas message on the back of the labels.
  3. Count out eight Maltesers (for Santa's eight reindeer; Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Comet) and one jaffa (for Rudolph's nose). 
  4. Hole punch the labels and thread a piece of ribbon through the hole. 
  5. Tie the piece of ribbon and label around the cellophane containing the noses....whoola! 

Do you give little gifts at Christmas time?
Do you love to make home-made gifts?

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