Absolutely, completely, utterly still loving our grass! It looks awesome.....and is growing like wildfire!
The Sydney weather of hot humid days and then rain, rain and more rain has ignited the growth hormone in our Sapphire grass and I am sure that I can actually see it growing - on the odd occasion I actually have time to look out the window.
Due to the fast growth, Hubby scurried off to Bunnings and purchased a lawn mower and whipper snipper - yep, that is right we are totally suburban grown-ups now as the proud owners of some serious gardening equipment that sits proudly in the shed.
Since these purchases he has spent every weekend (except the raining ones) mowing the lawn and snipping the edges.
We really have graduated to the next stage of our lives - creating childhood memories for our own kids. As the smell of the freshly mown grass and that petrol mower smell that engulfs our shed now reminds both Hubby and I of growing up and our fathers mowing the lawn and how they let us help push the lawn mower or empty the grass catcher.