Monday, November 5, 2012

Is it Christmas already?

Little Miss 4 and I hit the shops recently, only to be confronted with Christmas trees and October! Needless to say that she was beside herself with excitement.

We passed the Santa sleigh where the yearly photos are taken - mind you this is her fourth Christmas and we have zero Santa photos. Not that I can complain, I didn't go near him when I was little either.

Then came the multitude of questions - where is Santa? Why is his sleigh here if he is still at the North Pole? Where are the elves? Does Mrs Claus help Santa? Can we put up our Christmas tree now?

Nice one Westfield! I did contemplate giving Little Miss 4 your number so you can answer all her Christmas queries and explain that Christmas is still 7 weeks away and we can't put up the tree for another 4!

Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas! It is my favourite time of the year - spending time with friends and family, having time off work, great weather (mostly), cricket on the telly (yep I am a cricket fan)...I could go on.

No doubt if I asked my Mum what I was like at this time of year she would probably say similar to Little Miss 4 - actually I should remember to ask her. I probably drove her crazy with questions that she misses answering now.

I have to admit I didn't even notice the shopping centres getting out the decorations earlier and earlier every year.... until Little Miss 4 came along and become aware of Santa, reindeer, elves etc.

Today she wrote her letter to Santa asking for a "talking baby doll called Love Love Dolly" and "a floaty for the pool that has a water pistol" (this is something she saw at the pool shop with Hubby last week, apparently some thing you sit in that has a water pistol attached - for wetting Mummy!)

Looks like I will be living Christmas for the next 7 weeks, which I have decided to embrace because I am sure that I will miss it one day.

Has Christmas talk started in your house?

Image from here.


  1. And how quick will those seven weeks go!! That's the scary part!

    1. I know! I really can't believe it is November!
      And I am scared to blink and all of a sudden she will be 25!
