Saturday, March 25, 2017

The weeks that were....ELEVEN & TWELVE

I can't even remember why I didn't blog last week. Digging in my memory, perhaps it was a bad headache on Sunday. I've had a couple this week.

But on the bright side, I have decided it's time to  be happy again.

Work is settling down after my boss and I started to implement the  changes we discussed. I have also kicked off a "make the whole team happy" discussion with the managers across our department. The negativity and miserableness just has to go!

All in all, some really positive things are happening.

I started playing Futsal with a group of mums from school. I had never played soccer before, or even run for that matter. Our first game was last week. We played what seemed to be a semi-professional team. As we were talking about what the hell the rules actually were in this game, in walked a group of younger women in matching shirts and official indoor soccer boots - I was sure they were representing some kind of Australian team. We didn't win our first game, but we had a lot of fun in the process of conceding 18 goals.

My little lady has been hard work lately and the straw broke the camels back this week when the meltdowns and anxieties hit a high, so we are heading back to her counselor which will be of benefit to everyone. It really is so very tough to see her trying to deal with her anxieties as I know exactly how she is feeling - it breaks me heart.

Last weekend I attended a Hens Party for the every lovely soon-to-be Mrs C. It was great to dress up, get up and go out. We went to the Tea Cosy in The Rocks for High Tea and then ventured to The Observer for drinks - no Strawberry Daiquiris though. Seriously! How hard is it to get a cocktail in this city!

My list of ten 

Move - Still moving. I even ran!

Meditate - Still meditating. Taking lots of deep breaths.

Kind - Still reading - I have finished The Girl in the Spider's Web. Loved it. Now I am onto The Happiness Project....really trying to inject some serious positivity and happiness in my life and the life of others.

Connect - Connected with some lovely women at the High Tea for Mrs C.

Food - Still loving food. This week I have been craving chips & gravy...I have however not indulged.

Flow - Getting back into my flow at lot more these past two weeks and thank goodness!

Blog - No tick and then tick.

Budget - Same, same really.

Fun - Futsal, definitely fun. And deciding to be happy again, definitely fun.

How have you been?
What are your tips for happy?


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